Rewiring the Brain: Neuroplasticity and Anxiety Hypnotherapy

Rewiring the Brain: Neuroplasticity and Anxiety Hypnotherapy

Let’s kick things off with a bit of humor: A person with anxiety disorders has a brain that works so hard, it deserves a personal massage therapist on standby at all times. All jokes aside, anxiety is no laughing matter for those who experience it regularly. The constant worry, the racing thoughts, the physical symptoms like a pounding heart or sweaty palms – it’s an exhausting way to live. But what if I told you there’s a way to rewire your brain and alleviate anxiety through hypnotherapy? Yeah, I know what you’re thinking – “hypnosis, really?” Bear with me here, because the science behind it is pretty fascinating.

You’ve probably heard of neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. It’s like your brain’s personal renovation team, tearing down old pathways and building new ones based on your experiences and behaviors. This allows the brain to compensate for injury or disease, but it also plays a crucial role in learning new skills, forming memories, and even managing emotions like anxiety.

Now, imagine your brain as a vast neural highway system, with different routes representing different thought patterns and behaviors. For someone with an anxiety disorder, certain routes might be like multi-lane freeways, heavily congested with worry, fear, and negative self-talk. The more you travel those routes, the more entrenched they become, making it increasingly difficult to find alternate paths.

Enter hypnotherapy, the roadwork crew of the mind. Through guided relaxation and focused attention, hypnotherapy can help you access the part of your brain responsible for neuroplasticity, allowing you to construct new, more positive neural pathways. It’s like creating a shiny new bypass around the congested anxiety routes, giving your brain an alternative route to travel.

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But how does it work, exactly? Well, it’s a bit like a magic trick, but without the rabbits and top hats. During hypnotherapy, you enter a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility, which allows the therapist to plant positive suggestions directly into your subconscious mind. These suggestions act like a set of mental blueprints, guiding your brain to build those new, anxiety-free neural highways.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But won’t I be clucking like a chicken or revealing my deepest, darkest secrets?” Fear not, my friends! Hypnotherapy is nothing like the stage hypnosis you see on TV. You remain in complete control throughout the process, and the therapist can’t make you do anything against your will. It’s more like a guided meditation, helping you tap into your brain’s natural ability to reshape itself.

But don’t just take my word for it; let’s look at the science. Studies have shown that hypnotherapy can effectively reduce anxiety symptoms by lowering the activity in the parts of the brain responsible for processing emotional responses and regulating stress. It’s like hitting the dimmer switch on those overactive neural circuits, allowing you to chill out and enjoy life without the constant buzz of anxiety.

Imagine being able to rewire your brain, cutting through the traffic jams of worry and fear, and cruising along a brand new, anxiety-free neural highway. Sounds pretty great, right? Of course, hypnotherapy isn’t a magic cure-all, and it may take several sessions to see significant results. But for many people, it can be a powerful tool in managing anxiety, helping them take back control of their thoughts and emotions.

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking – “But what if I’m not the ‘hypnotizable’ type?” Well, my friends, the good news is that virtually anyone can benefit from hypnotherapy, as long as they approach it with an open mind and a willingness to engage in the process. It’s not about being easily suggestible or having a particular personality type; it’s about tapping into the natural plasticity of your brain and allowing positive change to occur.

So, if you’re tired of living in the constant state of worry and anxiety, why not give hypnotherapy a try? Imagine being able to rewire your brain, cutting through the traffic jams of worry and fear, and cruising along a brand new, anxiety-free neural highway. It might just be the mental roadwork your brain has been waiting for.

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And who knows, maybe after a few sessions, you’ll even be able to teach that personal massage therapist a thing or two about relaxation techniques. Just don’t hypnotize them into giving you free massages – that’s probably frowned upon in the hypnotherapy community.

REFINERY29 Staffers Knocked Out

REFINERY29 Staffers Knocked Out by The Hypnotic Hijinks of HypnoMarc


What do you do when you are the modern woman’s destination for how to live a stylish, well-rounded life and you want to break new ground?  The answer for Refinery29 was to engage the Hypnotic Hijinks of New Jersey’s Comedy Hypnotist, HypnoMarc Marshall.

Show producer, Nell Riley, was looking for exciting programming that would engage the imagination of the Refinery29 (R29) audience and could energize and engage the staff.  She developed the concept of demonstrating the power of the mind through comedy hypnosis and contacted HypnoMarc to hypnotize volunteers from among the Refinery29 staff members for the show. The event, which marked the first time Refinery29 has had a hypnotist perform for them, was broadcast live on the Refinery29’s Facebook Live Channel.

For Marc (HypnoMarc Marshall) it was a great time working with the amazing volunteers.   The volunteers, all members of the staff, were picked by lottery and shared their real personalities with the Facebook Live audience.  All but one of the women were first timers to being hypnotized.    Among the various routines they performed, was a new skit that Marshall had just rolled out for this event – Joke HeManGo!, an original skit based on the hot new phone app, PokeMon Go! , that is sweeping the world.  In the skit, the volunteers used their I-Shoes (shoe phones) to capture various Joke HeManGo! characters that suddenly appeared in the studio.  The volunteers also demonstrated their talents by trying out for the U.S. Olympic Funny Face team.

Unlike most broadcast shows, this live event featured a Q&A session with the R29 followers.  It gave Marshall the opportunity to educate the volunteers and viewers about the power of hypnosis and the human mind.  The response from the viewers and staff was extremely positive and is likely to result in future collaborations with Refinery29 and HypnoMarc.  STAY TUNED!

Marc Marshall, known professionally as HypnoMarc has been hypnotizing and amazing people since he was 16.  He is a professional stage and consulting hypnotist and author. He is a frequent presenter to companies and organizations in the areas of motivation and team building, with his comedy hypnosis show – HypnoMarc’s Hypnotic Hijinks.

Would you like his help learning how to manage pain, stop smoking, lose weight, deal with stress and anxiety, or remove fears and phobias?  Learn how he can help you from his conveniently located office in Summit, NJ. For more information or to Book your appointment now! –