Take Charge of Your Life – Top Tricks for Killing Procrastination

Top Tricks for Killing Procrastination

Procrastination is something that can ruin your day, damage your career and negatively impact on your relationships.

Often, we laugh about procrastination as though it were an amusing habit and sometimes it can be. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t also incredibly destructive. Imagine it’s 4pm and you have work you desperately need to finish by 5pm but you can’t stop browsing Facebook or making trips to the kitchen for cups of coffee.

What happens? One option is that you end up going home very late and lose out on time with your family. Another option is that you end up not finishing the work and starting the next day incredibly behind.

Either way, this is a serious problem.

So, what can you do about it? Here are a few tricks that can help.

Start the Most Enjoyable Task First

One effective way to reduce your proneness to procrastination is to take on the easiest/most enjoyable task first. Our natural inclination is very often to handle the most difficult task first and to that way get it out of the way.

But if you’re struggling with motivation, then this is going to be a big up-hill struggle to get yourself to commit.

Instead, if the first task is something easier and more fun, then you’ll find you can work more easily without being distracted. And once you’ve done that, you should be in a slightly more work-oriented frame of mind.

Make it More Interesting

Procrastination often comes from one simple fact: the job you should be doing is boring. Hence you would rather be doing something else.

One simple solution is to make said task more enjoyable or interesting. This might mean turning letter stuffing into a game. Or it might mean providing yourself with a little stimulation: I will often write articles while watching videos on silent just to ensure that I have a bit of stimulation.

If you’re writing, then try to make the topic more interesting so that you’ll be less likely to be bored. If you’re bored writing it, then it’s probably not going to be great to read!

Increase Energy

Finally, note that we are much more prone to procrastination when we’re tired. Why? Because will-power requires energy. When you take that energy away, it becomes much easier to be distracted or interested with other things. Give yourself more energy by sleeping better, by eating supplements that boost energy levels and by avoiding stressful events wherever possible.

Stress Kills Relationships

Stress Kills Relationships

I just finished a recent appearance on Refinery29’s Sexcess.   The following night, I attended a Manhattan by Sail cruise held by an event planning group.  While many were fascinated by the fact that I am a Hypnotist, I received the same questions from the R29 audience and staff, and many on the cruise; “Can hypnosis can help me have a better, more intimate, relationship with my partner?”

Before I answer this question, let me point out an observation that I have made as it relates to young professionals that I encounter in my practice and while performing.  Many of those I meet, tell me of their focus on career, the stress it brings and the long hours they spend, both in and out of the workplace.  We frequently find perks in the millennial workplace that includes open workspaces, flex hours, health clubs, cafeterias where you can get any type of food, massages, yoga, you name it is there.   These great perks tend to keep us in or connected to our work environments for longer periods.   Then add the online video conferencing from home, tablets and mobile devices, and we find there is little to no personal time to focus and develop our relationships.

The pace of the modern workplace is frenetic.  It sucks up mental, physical and emotional energies.  The people that I spoke to about their relationship issues, to a person, shared the same thing.  When they are with their partner they are often distracted. They are thinking about what they could have done, should have done, need to do, going to do, want to do – BUT not about what they are doing!  As a result, they are going through the motions of a relationship and not enjoying it.

So, how can hypnosis help you to have a better, more intimate relationship with your partner?  The first thing that I do with every client that comes to see me, regardless of the issue, is to teach them mindfulness meditation; how to stay in the present.   Most people are focusing on the past or future.  Those than focus on the past tend to be more depressed.  We can never change the past, just like we cannot un-ring a bell.  Similarly, those that tend to focus on the future are projecting and speculating on events that may never come to pass.   The result for those is anxiety and a waste of energy.  Many fear outcomes that never come to pass.

Second, through hypnosis, I help clients re-write the subconscious, emotional scripts, that we tend to play over and over.  I empower clients to get beyond past, less than positive, experiences.  Whether that experience is a trauma, issues with their family of origin, or looping in destructive relationships,  I help them learn to feel positive, focused and energized about themselves.

Give me a call to find out how you can move forward and have more intimacy, better relationships, and feel more positive.  The call is free and it will change your life.   Want to see the entire R29 show – Click this link.  https://www.facebook.com/refinery29/videos/10154491448302922/