Change Your Thoughts

I’m sure that most of us have heard this quote from Mahatma Gandhi

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”

During my time as a high school teacher in an alternative high school environment,  I had the challenge of changing the way my students viewed themselves, their abilities to achieve their goals, and move their lives from that of chaos and confusion to a more orderly and sane life.  As part of the work that I did with them, I developed some exercises and lessons based on Sean Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.  Those habits – “1) Be Proactive, 2) Begin with the End in Mind, 3) Put First Things First, 4) Think Win-Win, 5) Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood, 6) Synergize, and 7) Sharpen the Saw” – were completely foreign concepts to them, as to many adults I encounter. 

You are probably asking yourself what any of this has to do with hypnosis?   I promise that I will tell you in a moment.  Along my journey to perfect my skills as a hypnotist, I came to fully understand the power of language in shaping our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.  In simple terms, picture your mind as an iceberg.  The part that you see above the water, about 10% is our conscious mind.  The conscious mind is the rational mind that judges the information we are receiving and deciding whether it is true or false, whether we should believe it or not. This is where our short-term memory resides.   The other 90% of our mind, the subconscious mind, is like a hard-drive that is switched on at (or before birth) and records everything that goes on around us.  It notes every experience and feeling.  It regulates our body functions, and does not require us to be aware of its functioning.  This is the emotional mind.  Our behaviors are controlled by our subconscious mind.  This is important since our subconscious mind, that part of our mind that makes up 90%, relates all behaviors to emotions.  As a hypnotist, I work with language to help my clients reach their maximum potential by replacing negative emotions and behaviors with positive habits.   These changes bring about dramatic impacts in the lives my clients who are dealing with things such as anxiety, stress, pain, fear, inability to stop smoking, or lose weight, or want to perform better in work or sports.

It is our focus that becomes our reality.  If we are focused on negative outcomes, we surely will miss the positive opportunities.   I had a sign in my classroom that read: “THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FAILURE – THERE IS ONLY FEEDBACK!”  That does not mean that students did not earn D’s or F’s, but rather the grades they earned gave them feedback about what they needed to do to improve their performance.  Did they need to study?  Did they need to come to class?  Did they need to spend time with me asking questions on things they did not understand?  That was their job and my expectation.

A friend of mine, Colin T. Fisher, who is also a Master Hypnotist and Law of Attraction Coach from the UK (, shared with me his book – Dreams into Reality.  The book consists of a series of 12 poems that take you on a journey of self-discovery and reinforces what I have demonstrated to clients, the incredible power of their minds to achieve anything they focus on.  As a hypnotist, I work with you to create positive feelings that replace the negative ones that hold you back. 

Begin focusing on the positive, today.  Do what I teach all my clients to do, begin with a simple practice of mindfulness meditation and see how your life will improve.  Here’s a link to my simple guided mindfulness meditation recording that has helped my students, my friends and my clients.  

Mindfulness Meditation Practice - Week 1

I Believe that We Will Win!

I Believe. . .

The US Men’s Soccer Team (#USMNT) are through the infamous “Group of Death” and on to the round of 16.  So what could this possibly have to do with hypnosis and hyno-counseling?  I believe everything.  Hypnosis is a state of hyper-focus that gives those who experience it the ability to make positive changes in their lives.  These changes allow you to not only believe you will win, but provide you with the skills to succeed by removing self-doubt and failure loops in our thinking.

The chant … “I Believe that We Will Win…” is much more than a catchy slogan.  It is, in every sense of the word, a mantra that focuses the subconscious mind and raises the spiritual level of the players allowing them to rise to a level not envisioned by the pundits.  In the same sense, it is our own self-doubts that frequently sabotage our own abilities to make important and lasting changes in our lives.  We get into failure loops in our attempts to lose weight, stop smoking, deal with phobias and fears, or to heal from the traumas of life.  Our minds are incredibly powerful.  The challenge, however, is that we must learn the techniques of by-passing that self-doubt and replacing our “stinkin thinkin” with a confidence that can be quickly gained through hypnosis.

Are you ready to get through the doubters and “Group of Death”?  Are you ready to get that promotion; to stop smoking; or lose and keep off that excess weight?  Are you ready to find the power within you to believe that you can win? Right now you can make that decision a reality!

Right now you can take the action to become the person you want to be!  Right now, I BELIEVE THAT YOU WILL WIN!  I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL WIN! Be that winner and set an appointment with me to set those changes in motion.

Marc Marshall, CH