NEWS FLASH – The Sky is Not Falling and Hypnosis is Safe! – Scintillating News Sells!

NEWS FLASH – The Sky is Not Falling and Hypnosis is Safe! – Scintillating News Sells! 

Every few years, the news media jumps back on the ignorance band wagon and looks to demonize hypnosis and hypnosis shows.  And yet, I continue to be amazed by the media’s actions.  I really shouldn’t be, especially when we continue to see the media creating news, rather than objectively reporting it.

In the latest “Sky is Falling” reporting, we have the case of a young man at an after-prom event in Nebraska who is at the center of the story.  For those who may have missed it, the student volunteered to participate in a comedy hypnosis show that was part of a safe and sober after-prom event.  The news station posted a short video clip that shows the student falling to the floor.  It is clear in the video that this student did not strike his head, nor does it appear that he sustained any other injuries.   The student claims that he did not remember anything from the show and that he had a difficult time emerging from hypnosis.  He was later taken to the hospital where he was found to be uninjured, did not sustain a concussion and did not appear to be under the influence of any substances.

The parents, who were not present at the show, raise some questions regarding the appropriateness of having hypnosis show and the lasting impacts of the experience on their son.  These are common questions that hypnotists answer and ones that the news media chose to ignore in their reporting.

For many people, their exposure to hypnosis are what they see from Hollywood and do not at all represent the reality of what hypnosis really is.  In fact, if these facts were widely known, the mystique and excitement of the movie or TV show, would be crushed and a literary tool of suspense, and mystery would be gone.

So, the question really comes down to what is hypnosis?  Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state that each of us experiences on a daily basis.  It lies between the awake state and the sleeping state and characteristics of both, yet it is neither.  The use of the word “sleep” tends to lead people to mistakenly believe that the volunteer is asleep or unconscious.  Actually, the opposite is true.  Hypnosis is a state of super-focus and concentration where a person has engaged the power of the sub-conscience mind.  The hypnotized person is hyper-aware.  They hear everything around them, have all their senses, and will ignore those suggestions that are against their principles and moral beliefs.  Simply, a person in hypnosis will not do or say anything they would not do or say in their fully awake state.  This is 180 degrees from where Hollywood would like us to think about hypnosis. Often, Hollywood depicts hypnosis as a state where the person is being controlled by some Svengali-like character.  Plainly stated, it is not!   Yet, we want to be titillated and entertained.  Since most people don’t understand the workings of the human mind, directors and writers play on this ignorance and reinforce the stereotypes found In pop culture.    The hypnotist has no “super-powers”.  Rather, the trained hypnotist has studied the way the human mind works, the physiology of the brain and the mechanisms that aid a person’s path into the hypnotic state and works with those mechanisms to achieve the enhanced trance state.

Hypnosis is one of the most misunderstood conditions of the human mind.  It is for this reason that there are so many false accusations by an uneducated media and general public.  One of the most common myths is that of being stuck in hypnosis.  You can no more get stuck in hypnosis than you can get stuck in sleep.  Even if something were to happen to the hypnotist during a show or session, the hypnotized person would either spontaneously pop out of hypnosis or would enter into a natural sleep state and awaken as they would from any regular sleep.

In the most recent story that has been making the rounds, the volunteer says that he does not recall the events of the evening.  This too is very common in hypnosis and often depends on the depth of the trance state.  Since hypnosis involves the sub-conscious mind, it is common that a person is not consciously aware of the events.  There are therapeutic benefits of this state that the clinical hypnotist uses to achieve the important changes that the client is seeking.  In the case of the stage hypnotist, most will give a suggestion to help their volunteer remember and enjoy their time on the stage.  As with sleep or conscience states, the hypnosis state is not at a constant depth.  The depth achieved is the result of the state of receptivity of the client/volunteer, the process employed by the hypnotist, as well as the physical condition of the volunteer.

There are tremendous benefits of being in this state.  First, it is incredibly relaxing.  In a state of hypnosis, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are in a state of balance.  This helps to achieve the depth of relaxation that is difficult to achieve in other ways.  This is why people commonly see volunteers on stage slumping or seeming to “melt” out of their chairs.

Hypnosis is achieved through one of two mechanisms; fatigue of the nervous system or overload of the nervous system.  In the first instance, the hypnotist or hypnotherapist will generally employ a talk-based patter such as progressive muscle relaxation or having the person focus on too many items at the same time.

The second method, which often is the most dramatic looking, and which is a result of taking advantage of the body’s fight/flight/freeze mechanism, is commonly called an instant induction.  These are inductions that employ an arm-pull/drop, body-drop or similar physical movement that causes the firing of the amygdala.    While it looks dramatic, the hypnotist is using the volunteers’ body mechanics to achieve the result.  The force used is the same as shaking hands with someone.  It is a “split-second” induction that allows the trained hypnotist to insert a suggestion at the exact moment the sub-conscious mind is off balance and seeking direction.

Hypnosis is safe!  The news story plays on the ignorance of people with respect to the safety of hypnosis.  Hypnosis, when performed by a trained hypnotist, is safe for both therapeutic and entertainment purposes.  It is NOT mind-control.  People in a state of hypnosis are fully aware of what is going on around them and even what they are doing.  They have full free-will and can choose to not accept the hypnotist’s suggestion, just as easily as they choose to accept and act on it.  There is no feeling of hypnosis, but there is a feeling of relaxation, peace and calm.

Hypnosis is NOT mind-control!  Contrary to myth, Hollywood and media sensationalizing to sell more movies, books and papers, hypnotized volunteers will not do things that are against their morals or closely held beliefs.

I am not saying that the media is completely at fault for reporting on instances where the hypnotist has done something that resulted in an either performing an inappropriate or dangerous routine or has failed to properly instruct their volunteers to act in a safe manner.  In those situations where the problem is caused by hypnotists that are either poorly trained, ignore their training, or allow their egos to override their common-sense, it is critical that the light be shined on the event.  However, there is often a rush to judgement and a need to gain audience that is accomplished with “disaster” headlines and over-blown reporting.

I recently addressed this matter in my YouTube vlog (video blog) Hypnosis Hangout Episode 7 – Trouble Waking Up Hypnotists.  (link to VLOG – )  In the video, I specifically call on hypnotists to take Immediate action to insure they are protecting their volunteers and performing age and venue appropriate skits.  In so doing, they help to eliminate the sensationalized claims and return the industry to the prominence of being a safe and highly sought after, premium entertainment experience.  Removing the opportunity for negative publicity improves demand for shows and removes fears created by Hollywood, stereo-typing, and a news media hungry for audience engagement.

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About the Author:

Marc is an award winning, certified stage and clinical hypnotist, author and motivational speaker with experience entertaining both large and small gatherings.

Marc uses his skills and talents in a variety of areas that include self-improvement or clinical hypnosis, motivational speaking, and comedy stage hypnosis.  He has worked with individuals and corporations throughout the United States to improve outcomes in personal lives and organizations.

As a clinical hypnotist, he has helped people resolve sleep issues, lose weight, stop smoking, deal with long held fears, deal with stress and anxiety, manage pain, improve sports performance, eliminate addictions, and improve sexual function.

His performance resume includes appearances on live shows for Refinery29 Live and Elite Daily’s TrashED.  He has performed at comedy clubs, the Monroe County Fair (MI), the Osceola County Fair (Kissimmee, FL), the Red River Valley Fair (Fargo, ND), and for schools, proms, graduations, conferences, conventions and corporations.  He was a featured performer for New Jersey’s premier First Night Celebration – First Night Morris for New Year’s Eve 2018.

Marc’s book, “Staying in the Moment – Helping Students Achieve More Through Mindfulness Meditation” helps educators, parents and students get better results in the classroom through the adoption of mindfulness exercises as part of the curriculum.

For more information about, or to book an appointment with Marc visit his website: or email

Laughter is the Best Medicine!

“Laughter is the Best Medicine!”

If you are anything at all like me, you have noticed a serious increase in the stress and anxiety that is around you.  Stress from an uncertain economy, a cantankerous election, the invasion of scary clowns, threats of terrorist attacks, and the ever-increasing global unrest, are all having significant impacts on people’s physical, emotional and relationship health.   Just look at number of blogs talking about stress, or the increase in angry Tweets and Facebook posts and the picture is nearly complete.  Teachers, clergy, bloggers and media personalities report an significant increase in the number of people acting out, stress-out and looking for help.

Stress Headache
Stress Headache Controlling You?

Those of us in the hypnosis field have long known that truth behind the adage “That which we focus on, becomes our reality.”   In fact, it is a main theme in my upcoming book – “Perception Equals Reality”.  It takes work to get off the stinking thinking train.  This work includes a commitment to changing one’s focus and ensuring positive actions to reinforce the focus.  Stress is a killer.  It is responsible for overeating, insomnia, heart disease, anxiety and often addictive behaviors.

More and more, I am seeing people in my clinical hypnosis practice who are suffering from debilitating anxiety and fears, problems with relationships, and stress based pain.  My clients are thankful to have the chance to experience the “mind vacation” that hypnosis brings.  They often report a sense of calm and serenity never-before experienced.  The ability to help clients achieve that level of calm and relaxation is incredibly rewarding.  It is this powerful feeling that helps their powerful subconscious minds make the changes necessary to improve their lives.  Each client that I work with is taught mindfulness mediation as part of the session.  I help them to incorporate the practice as part of their daily routine.  It is as important to their health and well-being as brushing their teeth, sleeping, and physical exercise.   Those that commit to adopting the practice report less stress, greater focus and concentration, and an improvement in their work and personal relationships.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool in other ways, as well.  When I tell people that I am hypnotist, their first response is to ask if I’m going to make them bark like a dog?  For most people, their knowledge of hypnosis is from the comedy stage hypnosis shows they have attended at a fair, or Project Graduation, or party.  They associate that experience with a fun time, filled with laughter and great memories.  What they don’t realize is the enormous health benefit they received at that show.  There is more than wisdom behind the saving that “Laughter is the Best Medicine!” 

sexcess1I have found that one of the best ways to relieve the pressure is through laughter. In fact, the Mayo Clinic agrees with me.  Their studies have shown that “A good laugh has great short-term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. Laughter can:

  • Stimulate many organs.Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.
  • Activate and relieve your stress response.A rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response, and it can increase your heart rate and blood pressure. The result? A good, relaxed feeling.
  • Soothe tension.Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.”osceolafunnyface2

Isn’t it time for all of us to shed the shackles of the insanity that has gripped us for far too long?  Isn’t time that we committed to focusing on positive outcomes and doing good things for ourselves, families, friends and associates?   Now is the time to laugh until you feel great again.  Now is the time to come together.  See how the Hypnotic Hijinks of Hypnomarc can make that a reality this holiday season.

Hypnomarc is a comedy stage and clinical hypnotist, author and motivational speaker based out of Summit, NJ.  He performs at fairs, festivals, corporate events, post proms and graduations, private events and comedy clubs.  For more information about his services visit his website;

What’s holding you back?

Imagine, create a picture in your mind’s eye of, how much better your life would be if you weren’t focused on things that were out of your control.  Now, I probably am shooting myself in the foot by sharing this, but the majority of people who seek my services to improve their lives are either focused on the past or the future.

Too often, we tend to trap ourselves with our own, self-destructive behaviors.  These are behaviors that in some way, our subconscious minds have associated with a reward of some type, but which create challenges for us.  The simple thinking here is that change does not occur until the pain of staying the same is more than the pain of changing.   In large part this is true.  It is the pain of behaviors, fears that paralyze, overeating, smoking, fear of future events, or repetitive / obsessive behaviors that stop us from reaching our potential.

There are two powerful tools that I share – mindfulness meditation and hypnosis.  The mindfulness trains us to focus on the moment.  When this becomes an integral part of our thinking and life, we no longer obsess about the past or worry about the future.  We learn that it is in this moment that we have the ability to make dramatic and lasting changes in our lives.  Changes that propel us into enjoying life, perhaps for the first time.

When mindfulness is combined with the power of hypnosis, the power of subconscious suggestion, we open the path way to change.  Here, I work with you to replace the negative associations that have developed and result in destructive behaviors, with positive and rational understanding.  An example of this retraining and new understanding came about from some work I did with a client who had a fear of spiders.  Through our journey together, the client revealed an experience that they had as a young child.  The child had been forced to touch a large spider during a demonstration at a pre-school.  The “young” client didn’t have the tools to express their discomfort and instead internalized and focused on the experience for more than 30 years.  During our session’s work, the client was able to revisit the initial traumatizing event and using their adult skills, able to address it and become more comfortable.  Further desensitization visualization and ultimately physical exercises allowed the client to move on past and no longer fear spiders.

So, I repeat the question – What’s holding you back?  Is it self-doubt, fear of failure, fear of losing face, the paralysis that comes with needing to be perfect?  Let’s work together and allow me to teach you the tools to improve all aspects of your life through hypnosis and mindfulness mediation.

Does Practice Make Perfect?

From the time I was much younger, I recalled coaches and teachers repeatedly telling me that “Practice Makes Perfect!”  Guess what, they were WRONG!  In a moment, I will tell you where the fault in their thinking and belief was.

I first became aware of the wonders of hypnosis when I was 10 or 11 years old.  I saw my first stage hypnosis show and became amazed at the antics performed by many people that I knew.  Now many of the skits that were performed at the time are not used today, but nonetheless, it demonstrated the power of the subconscious mind to control our beliefs, perceptions and yes, our behaviors.  Allow me to demonstrate what I mean.  I want you to picture me standing there in front of you.  For those who don’t know me, you can imagine that I look something like Josh Duhamel.  I just a bit shorter, a bit heavier, and a little bit older.  But for purposes of this exercise, imaging I look like him will work just fine.    So, I am standing in front of you holding this wonderful, juicy yellow lemon.  I take a silver knife from the wooden table and cut a wedge from the lemon.  The juice is running down my arm as I do this.  Very slowly, I bring this fragrant, lemon wedge that is dripping with juice and bring it to my lips.  I take a long savory bite from the lemon and feel the pucker as the juice enters my mouth.

I am sure that many of you experienced the salivation and pucker that is typical of having physically experienced that action.  Yet, I was nowhere near you.  The point being, that your powerful subconscious mind took you through that experience just as though you had actually bitten into that lemon.

Let me return back to my first experience with hypnosis.  I watched in amazement as people I knew, some really good friends, bit into a really large onion.  I remember the smell of those onions permeating the entire room, yet, every one of those people on that stage, believed that had just bitten into the sweetest, most flavorful apple they had ever eaten.  In fact, many of those same people were very disappointed when the hypnotist would not give them more to eat.

What does any of that have to do with the idea that “practice makes perfect”?  In 2005, a Doctoral student (B. Vasquez) at Washington State University conducted a research project involving the basketball team and free throws.  He divided the team into three groups.  One group practiced foul shooting as is the common practice among basketball players.  The second group, practiced free throws and also received hypnosis for sports improvement (free throw shooting).  The third group only received hypnosis for their free throws.  Now if practice does indeed make perfect, one might reasonably conclude that either group one or group two would have the best outcomes.  The results, which have since been replicated in other and similar studies, showed that in fact, group three, the group that never practiced free throws, but only received hypnosis, had the best results.  The conclusion is that our minds cannot differentiate between the hypnotic and actual physical experience.

Regardless of what we are doing in our lives, we learn at the subconscious level.  And, it is at the subconscious level that we must make changes.  This is why hypnosis is such a powerful tool in bringing about rapid and lasting change.  Our powerful subconscious minds attach emotion to behaviors.  The mind comes to establish pathways to accomplish tasks either through actual physical actions or in hypnosis.  And just like the volunteer on stage who is sweating profusely because they believe the suggestion that it is 120 degrees on stage, or is laughing hysterically at a movie that is playing only in their mind, those who are hypnotized as an aid to performance in sports or life, are training their subconscious minds to respond.  The difference, however between hypnosis and physical practice is immense.    The reason for that is that while in hypnosis, the person who is seeking to improve their skills is only visualizing and practicing the “perfect” technique.  There is no muscle memory formed from making errant shots.  The new pathways through the brain only know the “right” way.

So, my coaches and teachers were indeed wrong.  Practice does not make perfect.  Only PERFECT practice makes perfect.  And perfect practice, be it in stress management, sports improvement, mindfulness meditation, or weight management, can best be attained through hypnosis.