Women… Suffering from Hot Flashes?

Hypnosis Can Help with Hot Flashes!


Over the years a significant part of my private hypnosis practice has been helping people deal with physical aliments that make live difficult.  Typically, when people think of this, they immediately think of pain management.  And while that is a large part of my practice, I also help people with other physical challenges that include improved sexual function, improved focus and concentration, managing migraines, removing crippling fears, and pre- and post-surgical healing.

One area that I have had good success in is that of helping women deal with hot-flashes brought on by illness, cancer treatment, or menopause.  I know that I do not need to tell women how uncomfortable and even disruptive these sudden onset.  They often disrupt sleep, which results in more stress and decreased functioning in the woman’s day-to-day life.   This starts a vicious cycle of anxiety in anticipation of the next hot-flash episode, which in turn leads to hyper-focus and magnification of the symptoms.

Think about it this way.  When you go to the dentist and he or she is about to give you a shot of Novocaine, what is the thing they usually say?…. “You are going to feel a pinch.”   The problem with this is that they have now implanted a suggestion that has you focused on the “pinch” which creates anxiety, triggers flight/fight/freeze response to pain, and makes the dental procedure a negative experience.  Honestly,  I am grateful for the inarticulate way that dentists do this to their patients.  It begins the dental fear/phobia cycle that begins with the painful negative experience and continues to grow as people anticipate the discomfort in front of their next dental visit.

Similarly, we magnify pain and discomfort as a result of unpleasant experiences, such as hot-flashes.  The fear of that experience creates a cortisol stress reaction that wreaks havoc on the body.  However, the really great news is that the impact of hot-flashes can be control by your powerful subconscious mind when the right post-hypnotic suggestions are implanted.

To this end,  I would like to share a story about a friend that I recently had a chance to help control her severe hot-flashes.  My friend, S.A. is a breast cancer survivor who is presently undergoing treatment to keep her cancer at bay.  During her intense chemo-therapy and recovery, she discovered the power of hypnosis and having a positive attitude.  She spent her time watching the comedy hypnosis of a good friend and colleague of mine, the Incredible Hypnotist, Richard Barker. This lifted her spirits and helped get through the ordeal.

One of the drugs that she is currently taking has severe hot-flashes as a side-effect.  I had previously worked with S.A., who lives about five hours from my office.  Over this past weekend, she was in agony and didn’t know what to do.  In desperation, she contacted me and asked if I could help her.  I am extremely pleased to be able to help her again.  I am happy to be able to share her experience in her own words:

“Thank you Marc Marshall for being my saving grace this weekend. He hypnotized me via FaceTime to assist with my hot flashes. Yesterday, I had 37 intense ones and today not one. With his implanted suggestions, I was able to ward off 13 hot flashes! I love hypnosis, I love Richard Barker for introducing me to Marc and the world of hypnosis and I love Marc for helping me deal with my intense hot flashes, which are a direct side effect of the drug Lupron I take so I can keep the cancer at bay. I am so blessed to have such friendship and love surround me. “

S.A.  you are very welcome!  I am so glad that you are a friend and more importantly, that I could help.  I wish you continued strength as you demonstrate how important positive thinking and focus is in battling cancer.   I am excited that you have made the decision to become a hypnotist yourself.  You will be amazing because you know that the subconscious mind is amazingly powerful.  That which we focus on becomes our reality and our destiny.  You have demonstrated that power to yourself and so many of those you come in contact with.

For those of you who want to learn more about how hypnosis can help you improve your life… email me at – info@hypnomarc.com or better yet, just click on the red bar on the side of this page.

Hypnotically yours,


(photo credit – skin of the night by Emily – Flickr 2009)

Top Hypnosis Expert Reveals How to Remove the Fear of Clowns (and avoid Embarrassment!)

,Just in time for Halloween Stephen King’s film IT (#IT) is set to open on September 8th.  We can be sure that Throughout the U.S. there be a resurgence of  Scary Clowns invading communities and terrorizing people.  In the past, these reports included attempts by some to lure children into the woods.  The Scary clowns have people afraid, police and sheriff’s departments scrambling, and reports of physical attacks on innocent pedestrians.

Every year, about this time, I receive a few phone calls from people with a special fear.  The technical term is CoulrophobiaThe Fear of Clowns!  This fear seems to haunt more people in Gen-Y and Gen-X than prior groups and there appears to be some strong indicators as to why this is.

The boomer generation grew up with clowns such as Bozo and Clarabel during the 1950’s and 60’s.  These clowns were associated with fun, laughter and cartoons, the pacifier of the generation.   That, however changed dramatically in the early 70’s with the infamous – Killer Clown – John Wayne Gacy (Pogo the Clown).

Originally, clowns were more an adult entertainment going back to the “court-jesters” or “fools”.    Beginning in the late 18th and 19th centuries, the appearance of clowns began to shift and the first appearances of the painted white face and exaggerated expression (makeup) entered the scene.   These exaggerated expressions, which hide true, and recognizable facial features are in large part the reason for the fear.

Olivia Goldhill, former features writer for The Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/halloween/11194653/Why-are-we-so-scared-of-clowns.html) sums up the reaction of many in regards to clowns:

“The more you stare at a clown’s perpetually smiling face, the more it warps into something more sinister.

Clowns are supposedly figures of innocent fun – brightly colored jesters to entertain our children and slip on banana skins in exaggerated displays of slapstick comedy.

But the manic joy, the mask of make-up and the excessive familiarity are just a hair’s breadth away from terror.”

It is the grotesque, unnatural appearance of the human face and body, which triggers the fight/flight/freeze mechanism deep within our brains.  We get a sense of unease which is often amplified by the clown character acting in ways that would otherwise be socially unacceptable.  It is this very sense of discomfort and unease that authors such as Stephen King and director Stephen Spielberg tap into in the film IT  with the character PennyWise, or the character Twisty the clown in American Horror Freak Show, or the Joker in Batman.  In each of these, the clown embodies evil. The fear that often develops in young children who are sensitive to this odd, unfamiliar face (exaggerated features and hair) in a familiar body.  Historically, the actual people who have played clowns are themselves, sad, tragic, and often times sadistic people.

Children are taught, from the earliest ages, to avoid strangers.  It’s common for children to think that “bad strangers” look scary, like the villains in cartoons.  This is a natural growth that results from both the experience of seeing scary scenes, and creating them within their own minds.  This taught response, along with the stories reported in the news and social media have heightened the concerns and level of angst parents and communities are having.  Schools are reinforcing the warnings, especially among younger children.

While a small percentage of the U.S. population would actually be classified as coulrophoic (having the fear of clowns), they nonetheless do exist.  It is particularly difficult for these people during the Halloween season, when there is a greater number of people dressing up as clowns, and is further amplified by constant and increasing number of reports.

Fears or phobias are generally the result of unresolved processing of a traumatic experience.  Through hypnosis, the person suffering from the fear often plays a self-reinforcing, though unhealthy, mental loop that confirms the feeling.  I have helped a significant number of clients remove a host of fears and phobias that have previously paralyzed them.  Hypnosis is a powerful and useful tool in helping people overcome fears and phobias by helping them address and resolve the originating event that is the basis of their behavior.  Clients are then able to enjoy life.

Whether you fear clowns, heights, bridges, snakes or spiders, isn’t it time you made a positive change in your life with hypnosis?  STOP being controlled by your fear!  START living life free of anxiety.  I can help you with hypnosis.  SEE how!  Contact me at – info@hypnomarc.com or visit my websited – www.hypnomarc.com to request more information and to schedule your appointment – RIGHT NOW!


Marc Marshall, CH CHMI, is a certified consulting and stage hypnotist, author and motivational speaker with offices in Summit, NJ and Shaftsbury, VT.  He has helped people make dramatic improvements in their lives through his pain management, smoking cessation, weight loss, reducing stress and anxiety, and resolving fears and phobias programs.  Learn more today.

Improving Sleep with Hypnosis

Improving Sleep with Hypnosis


Over the years, I have had many people come to me because of non-biologically based sleep issues.  Some of these issues are related to Post Traumatic Stress (PTS).  Some are related to work; some are related to relationship challenges; some are because of diet.    And others present with no consciously apparent cause.

For those clients who present with a specific issue such as trauma or stress, our work to clear and address these issues is frequently all that is needed to help them once again enjoy life and resolve the challenges that have created the negativity that has been controlling their lives.  In the case of those that are unable to specifically pinpoint a cause or causes, I work with them to clear those less than positive experiences that the subconscious mind is focusing on and which is playing out as a negative loop when they are trying to sleep.

It is the negative loop that needs to be broken in order for the client to move forward and experience success.  Hypnosis, unlike prescription medications, which have significant and often dangerous side-effects, including addiction and abuse, improves feelings of general well-being, peace and calm.  As with many other presenting complaints, clients seeking to deal with sleep deprivation or insomnia, find that hypnosis empowers them to take back control of their lives.  It is this empowerment, along with the immediately recognizable phenomena, that creates a new, positive resource state that the client can use in all aspects of their lives.

The use of hypnosis as a means of resolving a host of issues dates back more than 4000 years to the Egyptians.  There are many documented instances of the presences of sleep chambers or sleep temples that utilized trance states. [i]   The process used by the Egyptians is well documented through hieroglyphics.  Other later civilizations, including the Romans and Chinese, also utilized hypnosis for resolving and treating many maladies or to reach enhanced states of awareness.

One of the more interesting phenomena that I have recently noticed is an uptick in the number of new clients who are seeking help to resolve sleep issues.  The majority of these clients are reporting increased levels of stress resulting from demands at work, in relationships, as well as feeling uneasy about the world around them.  Most of these people are tethered to their computers, tablets and smart-phones, leaving them no ability to shutoff the constant bombardment of information and stimulation.   They report less satisfying or no intimacy with others.  They seek activities that will help them escape, only to discover these don’t work.  Hypnosis, however, provides these people with the tool they seek to finally close off the “noise” of the outside world and get the sleep and relief they are searching for.

While I am able to address a broad range of concerns in my individual or group hypnosis sessions with clients, I also get inquiries from people who want to see what hypnosis feels like without having to come to my office.  Through these recordings, individuals get some of the benefits they are seeking and often provides them with a positive hypnosis experience.  This positive experience with the specially developed recordings, eventually leads many of them to contact me and move forward with a more comprehensive hypnosis session.  If you, or someone you care about, suffers from insomnia or other sleep related issues, and are not yet ready to make an appointment to see me, consider purchasing a no-risk recording to improve your sleep.  This link will take you directly to my secure store-front where you can quickly and easily download your recording and start sleeping better tonight for just $8.99. Buy Now - Sleep Tonight


[i] Chokroverty, S., & Billiard, M. (2015). Sleep medicine: a comprehensive guide to its development, clinical milestones, and advances in treatment. New York: Springer. (Sleep in Ancient Egypt, Tarek Asaad)

Laughter is the Best Medicine!

“Laughter is the Best Medicine!”

If you are anything at all like me, you have noticed a serious increase in the stress and anxiety that is around you.  Stress from an uncertain economy, a cantankerous election, the invasion of scary clowns, threats of terrorist attacks, and the ever-increasing global unrest, are all having significant impacts on people’s physical, emotional and relationship health.   Just look at number of blogs talking about stress, or the increase in angry Tweets and Facebook posts and the picture is nearly complete.  Teachers, clergy, bloggers and media personalities report an significant increase in the number of people acting out, stress-out and looking for help.

Stress Headache
Stress Headache Controlling You?

Those of us in the hypnosis field have long known that truth behind the adage “That which we focus on, becomes our reality.”   In fact, it is a main theme in my upcoming book – “Perception Equals Reality”.  It takes work to get off the stinking thinking train.  This work includes a commitment to changing one’s focus and ensuring positive actions to reinforce the focus.  Stress is a killer.  It is responsible for overeating, insomnia, heart disease, anxiety and often addictive behaviors.

More and more, I am seeing people in my clinical hypnosis practice who are suffering from debilitating anxiety and fears, problems with relationships, and stress based pain.  My clients are thankful to have the chance to experience the “mind vacation” that hypnosis brings.  They often report a sense of calm and serenity never-before experienced.  The ability to help clients achieve that level of calm and relaxation is incredibly rewarding.  It is this powerful feeling that helps their powerful subconscious minds make the changes necessary to improve their lives.  Each client that I work with is taught mindfulness mediation as part of the session.  I help them to incorporate the practice as part of their daily routine.  It is as important to their health and well-being as brushing their teeth, sleeping, and physical exercise.   Those that commit to adopting the practice report less stress, greater focus and concentration, and an improvement in their work and personal relationships.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool in other ways, as well.  When I tell people that I am hypnotist, their first response is to ask if I’m going to make them bark like a dog?  For most people, their knowledge of hypnosis is from the comedy stage hypnosis shows they have attended at a fair, or Project Graduation, or party.  They associate that experience with a fun time, filled with laughter and great memories.  What they don’t realize is the enormous health benefit they received at that show.  There is more than wisdom behind the saving that “Laughter is the Best Medicine!” 

sexcess1I have found that one of the best ways to relieve the pressure is through laughter. In fact, the Mayo Clinic agrees with me.  Their studies have shown that “A good laugh has great short-term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. Laughter can:

  • Stimulate many organs.Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.
  • Activate and relieve your stress response.A rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response, and it can increase your heart rate and blood pressure. The result? A good, relaxed feeling.
  • Soothe tension.Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.”osceolafunnyface2

Isn’t it time for all of us to shed the shackles of the insanity that has gripped us for far too long?  Isn’t time that we committed to focusing on positive outcomes and doing good things for ourselves, families, friends and associates?   Now is the time to laugh until you feel great again.  Now is the time to come together.  See how the Hypnotic Hijinks of Hypnomarc can make that a reality this holiday season.

Hypnomarc is a comedy stage and clinical hypnotist, author and motivational speaker based out of Summit, NJ.  He performs at fairs, festivals, corporate events, post proms and graduations, private events and comedy clubs.  For more information about his services visit his website; www.hypnomarc.com.