Stop with the New Year’s Resolutions! They DON’T WORK!

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Stop with the New Year’s Resolutions! 


The new year is here and like last year, and the year before and the year before that, you’ve decided it is time to take stock of your life.  So, let me guess, you’re being bombarded online, on TV, on radio, your family, your doctor… EVERYWHERE, with ads to change your life; to find love; to join this gym, that weight loss program, stop smoking programs, stopping using substances or gambling or internet addiction .  Well guess what?  IT’S A  SCAM!  IT’S A FRAUD!  It doesn’t work and it never will.  Sure, you may change for a short time, but it won’t last.  All you will have done is thrown away more money on band-aid fixes and reinforced that voice in your head that has been telling you for years it wouldn’t work.  YES… another failure and that voice is right, again!

By now, you are saying to yourself… “This guy’s a real downer!”  I’m psyched up to take charge of my life and make a change and here is some clown telling me it is never going to work.  THAT’S RIGHT- IT WON’T!  Because if it did, you never would be in this position.  This is nothing more than doing the same thing over and expecting a different result.  The weight loss industry with all their diet programs, gyms with membership come-ons and up-sell programs, all these programs know this one fact to be true;  your conscious mind, that rational part of your brain that responds to the slick ads is incapable of sustained change.  That means they can simply rinse and repeat their ads, parade out “happy” people and know how you, the vulnerable audience is going to flock to their “new and improved” program.


As you guessed, that’s the wrong question.  The real question begins with “WHAT’S THE PROBLEM?”   Seriously,  it comes down to simply that.  More importantly it is a two part question – “What’s the problem; “How do you KNOW?”   You see, my experience from years as a clinical hypnotist has taught me that the “PROBLEM”  is never “THE PROBLEM”.   You or your friends, family, therapist or doctor have put this label on a situation, on an experience,  that is driving your unhealthy, unwanted behaviors and you continue to play that script over and over.   Each time you replay that failed program in your mind or life, you are not only strengthening the negative behaviors, but you are also changing them and your brain.

The issue comes down to breaking the bonds that have ensnared you, probably for a good part of your life.  Things like… “I’ve always been overweight .  Growing up my family was heavy.  That’s just who I am! “  or “I can’t focus, I have ADD/ADHD” or “I always windup with losers and getting hurt.” aren’t set in stone.  Just because that is the way it has been, does it mean that is the way it will always be?  That is solely up to you.  You are the only one who can make that choice.  You are the only one who can make this change.  Band-aids don’t fix it!  Living in the past  or worrying about the future can’t change it.  Change only happens when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

A large number of clients who come to see me for change work, begin by rehashing their stories of failures and pain.  They do this because they have been trained by therapists to relive and retell their “stories.”  They mistakenly believe that the answer lies in some mistake they made in the past.   The problem is that this approach only continues to reinforce the dysfunction and fire up neural pathways that continue to feed the issue and increase the negative states of being.  This is why I too often hear new clients telling me what they don’t want.  They are focused on the negative behavior, the substance abuse, the sexual trauma, the fear, the pain, the weight and not on what they want to feel like and be.


The subconscious mind is really amazing in its ability to make rapid and dramatic changes.  Being that the subconscious mind is the feeling, non-rational mind  that operates without you having to think about it.  Being that the subconscious mind is literal, it is not being bound by logic.  Its purpose is to protect us and keep us safe.   Every action has a thought associated with it.  Most of the time, we are unaware of the thought.  Since behavior is controlled at the cellular level, it becomes important to change the emotional attachment that the subconscious mind holds to the behavior we are looking to change.

The challenge then becomes separating the intention from the behavior. The intention is what our subconscious mind is seeking to protect us from.  It is the underlying goal of the behavior.  Lasting change is dependent upon getting to a place of accepting the power of the resource state that you have inside of that unwanted behavior. Then reframing and amplifying it to a new and powerful resource state.  When this is done, the negative emotions that have previously been associated with the behavior are replaced with new neural pathways, positive feelings and a release.

Since imagination is more powerful then knowledge, just imagine what it would be like to be different.  Imagine being present and acting, rather than reacting to situations.  What would that feel like?  And as you picture your new and improved self, you are already beginning to make that lasting change permanent.  And that feels good.


In part, it is the realization that what happened, happened.  You are not the same person that experienced that experience which has been driving those unwanted, unnecessary behaviors.  You did the best you could with the tools that you had at the time.  Those unnecessary and unwanted behaviors have been responsible for pain, both emotional and physical.  The false memories have been keeping you stuck and unhappy. But that is how it was.  Now, you have a chance to do something different.  You have a chance to take all the resources from all your experiences and power them up so they serve to move you forward and finally attain your goals of being a better, healthier and happier you.

The repeated failures to make change were the result of the conflicts between your conscious and subconscious mind.  And since it is impossible to hold conflicting ideas at the same time, there must be a winner and loser in our behaviors.  The winner will always be the subconscious mind.  As a result, it is necessary to bring our two minds into agreement.  Once you have eliminated the conflict between the conscious and subconscious minds you are able to eat mindfully, sleep better, love yourself, be more active and present.  These are all benefits that come once you are living in a new mindset.


This is a strange question.  It is not a question that you are going to answer in that gym or therapy session or weight loss program without working through the “problem” state. The answers come when you step outside of the box of usual and move to being ready to accept the change.  And even more interesting, is the fact that the change you seek can take place in a single hypnotherapy session.  Unlike traditional therapies that focus on the “cause” or “problem” or negative behaviors.  Hypnosis restructures the associated emotions and thinking that has been hardwired and amplified by the “stinking thinking.” If trauma takes place in an instant, why should anyone believe that change should take months or years?

What is really interesting is that because you have read down to this point of the article, you know that change has already begun.  You now have knowledge that you didn’t have just a few minutes ago and that is different. So knowing what you know now, you are asking yourself “Where do I go now?” 

You already know that everything you need to change already exists inside of you.  And knowing that, you also know that you are looking for someone who understands that you can love who you were by loving who you can become.  Becoming more resourceful is powerful.  Hypnosis is the most powerful path forward.  So, STOP WITH THE NEW YEAR”S RESOLUTIONS and take the action right now to respect yourself, love yourself and really pay attention to your needs.


Is it that you want to reach out to me but don’t know how much more you want?   Or is it that you want more in your life but are not sure how to get it?  Does it really matter if you change now or in a couple of days from now, knowing that you are going to change.  And isn’t it exciting to know that you are finding that all those new and powerful resources that change you will make you even more amazing.

I guess it comes down to a simple thought, creating an even easier action to reach out and just ask me when that change can happen for you.  And because you want to know all of that I want to make it as easy as I can for you to get your answer, now.  Just click or tap this link and you too can decide the best day to change your life with hypnosis and without question.  Get Started NOW - Click or Tap

Marc Marshall, CPH, CHMI, MBIS


Marc Marshall is a certified hypnotist, medical hypnotist and certified mind-body specialist, author and motivational speaker with offices in Summit NJ and Shaftsbury Vt.  He specializes in dealing with trauma, sexual trauma, pain and works with clients to empower and teach them how to improve their lives through hypnosis and mindfulness practice.  For more information or to schedule an appointment or interview, email or visit his website –

Hypnosis to Overcome Anxiety, Fear, Sadness, Guilt + More PERMANENTLY

Has anxiety, fear, shame, guilt or depression taken control of your life? What if I could show you a method that empowers you to take back control and feel great, maybe for the first time? You see, you are not alone.  Many of us experience horrible things at some point in our lives.  This is especially true when we are young and don’t have the tools to process or deal with the experience in a healthy or proper manner.
The result is that emotions and memories get placed into the subconscious mind as programs which constantly feed our emotional responses and information and feelings day to day even into our adult lives.  However, it is remembered as we experienced it and most importantly, at the maturity level or age it was experienced at.  Many times, these experiences are the result of repressed trauma from younger years. As adults, we can experience depression, fear or  anxiety and not know why.  Situations arise and you begin to get this overwhelming feeling, but have no understanding as to why.  You have no conscious awareness of the root cause of the feeling.  All of these feelings – fear, guilt, anxiety, depression, or other feelings of unease are symptoms of repressed memories.
The unrecalled events and traumas, or past emotional experiences resides in our subconscious mind.  Very often, we are unaware of them or may have forgotten them.  Yet, in our daily lives, the feelings that were associated with the experiences or traumas, come to the surface causing us to feel anxious, fearful or depressed.  Many seek traditional treatment and are often prescribed medications or traditional psycho-therapies that rarely, if ever get to the heart of the problem.
As a trained clinical hypnotist, I help my clients unwind the entanglement of emotions that often create negative spiral loops.  Hypnosis is beneficial for several reasons.  First, it allows you the opportunity to return to the trauma or causative event in a safe and controlled setting.  In this setting, you are able to face the experience as an adult.  An adult has the life experiences and emotional tools that the child lacked to process the experience.   Through hypnosis, the subconscious mind can release and rewrite the experience that is the underlying cause of the unease.  A second benefit that clients receive is the feeling of complete relaxation.

Through hypnosis, the mind and body come to a place where they are not fighting each other.  Additionally, I teach my clients how to use mindfulness meditation and self-hypnosis to improve all areas of their lives. This is particularly useful when we realize that the subconscious mind’s dominant thoughts control our behaviors.  If we are labeled depressed, anxious, or fearful, we generally tend to act in that way because it is the belief system of the subconscious.  When that label is replaced with positive feelings and emotions, we adopted through hypnosis and resolution of the traumatic event, our feelings change.  Simply put, emotions control thinking, thinking controls behavior, behavior controls your destiny.

Painful past experiences shape the emotional memory (in the subconscious mind).  When, through hypnosis, you resolve the pain, you are finally able to move forward.  You are no longer carrying that hidden anchor that is holding you back from achieving your fullest potential.

Let’s explore your potential and see how empowered you will become.  Let’s melt away the fear, trauma, stress and negative experiences that you subconsciously focus on and that are keeping you stuck.

Marc Marshall, CH CHMI