What’s holding you back?

Imagine, create a picture in your mind’s eye of, how much better your life would be if you weren’t focused on things that were out of your control.  Now, I probably am shooting myself in the foot by sharing this, but the majority of people who seek my services to improve their lives are either focused on the past or the future.

Too often, we tend to trap ourselves with our own, self-destructive behaviors.  These are behaviors that in some way, our subconscious minds have associated with a reward of some type, but which create challenges for us.  The simple thinking here is that change does not occur until the pain of staying the same is more than the pain of changing.   In large part this is true.  It is the pain of behaviors, fears that paralyze, overeating, smoking, fear of future events, or repetitive / obsessive behaviors that stop us from reaching our potential.

There are two powerful tools that I share – mindfulness meditation and hypnosis.  The mindfulness trains us to focus on the moment.  When this becomes an integral part of our thinking and life, we no longer obsess about the past or worry about the future.  We learn that it is in this moment that we have the ability to make dramatic and lasting changes in our lives.  Changes that propel us into enjoying life, perhaps for the first time.

When mindfulness is combined with the power of hypnosis, the power of subconscious suggestion, we open the path way to change.  Here, I work with you to replace the negative associations that have developed and result in destructive behaviors, with positive and rational understanding.  An example of this retraining and new understanding came about from some work I did with a client who had a fear of spiders.  Through our journey together, the client revealed an experience that they had as a young child.  The child had been forced to touch a large spider during a demonstration at a pre-school.  The “young” client didn’t have the tools to express their discomfort and instead internalized and focused on the experience for more than 30 years.  During our session’s work, the client was able to revisit the initial traumatizing event and using their adult skills, able to address it and become more comfortable.  Further desensitization visualization and ultimately physical exercises allowed the client to move on past and no longer fear spiders.

So, I repeat the question – What’s holding you back?  Is it self-doubt, fear of failure, fear of losing face, the paralysis that comes with needing to be perfect?  Let’s work together and allow me to teach you the tools to improve all aspects of your life through hypnosis and mindfulness mediation.