Setting Goals / Meeting Challenges
This has been a busy, but highly rewarding week. This week, I have met two very significant challenges presented to me by my mentor and made possible through my practice of motivational hypnosis. I don’t share this to brag or blow my own horn, but rather I share it with the belief that someone else will find a spark within themselves to accomplish something different in their lives.
Many of those who come to me for personal improvement work through hypnosis find themselves stuck. They have a closed mindset that keeps them mired in the past or paralyzed for fear of the future. They lack confidence and a vision. Regardless of whatever a client comes to me for assistance with, the first thing that I teach them is a simple mindfulness meditation exercise, which I ask them to commit to for a short period every day for a month. It is not like I am asking them to devote hours each day. Rather, the entire process is less than 15 minutes daily and the benefits lifelong.
Through the mindfulness practice, my clients gain important health benefits of stress reduction, lowered blood pressure, and relaxation. Equally beneficial, is the results they obtain in making significant and positive changes in their lives. It is in those few minutes every day, that those clients who adopt the practice are able to step back from the insanity of daily living and gain the clarity necessary to focus on goal setting and attainment. The fact is, those clients who take up mindfulness meditation are the ones who develop the habits that result in rapid and lasting changes for the things they were looking to change through our hypnosis sessions. When clients are mindful about their food, they eat better and meet weight loss goals. When clients are mindful of being non-smokers, they achieve those lifelong benefits. And, the list goes on.
As we approach the weekend, it is a good time to reflect on the week. Did you have any goals for the best week that you were working towards? Did you make progress on those goals? Can you visualize and imagine how good you will feel as you accomplish those goals? If, the answer to these three questions is not YES, then I challenge you to set a simple goal that you can accomplish in the next week or so. Then I challenge you to focus on a longer term goal. And if this is something that you struggle with, I invite you to text me by sending the word MOTIVATE TO 44222 and let me help you begin the process of motivating yourself and becoming the person you know you can be. It is really a simple process, if you want to see real results and positive change.