Laughter is the Best Medicine!
“Laughter is the Best Medicine!”
If you are anything at all like me, you have noticed a serious increase in the stress and anxiety that is around you. Stress from an uncertain economy, a cantankerous election, the invasion of scary clowns, threats of terrorist attacks, and the ever-increasing global unrest, are all having significant impacts on people’s physical, emotional and relationship health. Just look at number of blogs talking about stress, or the increase in angry Tweets and Facebook posts and the picture is nearly complete. Teachers, clergy, bloggers and media personalities report an significant increase in the number of people acting out, stress-out and looking for help.

Those of us in the hypnosis field have long known that truth behind the adage “That which we focus on, becomes our reality.” In fact, it is a main theme in my upcoming book – “Perception Equals Reality”. It takes work to get off the stinking thinking train. This work includes a commitment to changing one’s focus and ensuring positive actions to reinforce the focus. Stress is a killer. It is responsible for overeating, insomnia, heart disease, anxiety and often addictive behaviors.
More and more, I am seeing people in my clinical hypnosis practice who are suffering from debilitating anxiety and fears, problems with relationships, and stress based pain. My clients are thankful to have the chance to experience the “mind vacation” that hypnosis brings. They often report a sense of calm and serenity never-before experienced. The ability to help clients achieve that level of calm and relaxation is incredibly rewarding. It is this powerful feeling that helps their powerful subconscious minds make the changes necessary to improve their lives. Each client that I work with is taught mindfulness mediation as part of the session. I help them to incorporate the practice as part of their daily routine. It is as important to their health and well-being as brushing their teeth, sleeping, and physical exercise. Those that commit to adopting the practice report less stress, greater focus and concentration, and an improvement in their work and personal relationships.
Hypnosis is a powerful tool in other ways, as well. When I tell people that I am hypnotist, their first response is to ask if I’m going to make them bark like a dog? For most people, their knowledge of hypnosis is from the comedy stage hypnosis shows they have attended at a fair, or Project Graduation, or party. They associate that experience with a fun time, filled with laughter and great memories. What they don’t realize is the enormous health benefit they received at that show. There is more than wisdom behind the saving that “Laughter is the Best Medicine!”
I have found that one of the best ways to relieve the pressure is through laughter. In fact, the Mayo Clinic agrees with me. Their studies have shown that “A good laugh has great short-term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. Laughter can:
- Stimulate many organs.Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.
- Activate and relieve your stress response.A rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response, and it can increase your heart rate and blood pressure. The result? A good, relaxed feeling.
- Soothe tension.Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.”
Isn’t it time for all of us to shed the shackles of the insanity that has gripped us for far too long? Isn’t time that we committed to focusing on positive outcomes and doing good things for ourselves, families, friends and associates? Now is the time to laugh until you feel great again. Now is the time to come together. See how the Hypnotic Hijinks of Hypnomarc can make that a reality this holiday season.
Hypnomarc is a comedy stage and clinical hypnotist, author and motivational speaker based out of Summit, NJ. He performs at fairs, festivals, corporate events, post proms and graduations, private events and comedy clubs. For more information about his services visit his website;