Laughter is the Best Medicine!

“Laughter is the Best Medicine!”

If you are anything at all like me, you have noticed a serious increase in the stress and anxiety that is around you.  Stress from an uncertain economy, a cantankerous election, the invasion of scary clowns, threats of terrorist attacks, and the ever-increasing global unrest, are all having significant impacts on people’s physical, emotional and relationship health.   Just look at number of blogs talking about stress, or the increase in angry Tweets and Facebook posts and the picture is nearly complete.  Teachers, clergy, bloggers and media personalities report an significant increase in the number of people acting out, stress-out and looking for help.

Stress Headache
Stress Headache Controlling You?

Those of us in the hypnosis field have long known that truth behind the adage “That which we focus on, becomes our reality.”   In fact, it is a main theme in my upcoming book – “Perception Equals Reality”.  It takes work to get off the stinking thinking train.  This work includes a commitment to changing one’s focus and ensuring positive actions to reinforce the focus.  Stress is a killer.  It is responsible for overeating, insomnia, heart disease, anxiety and often addictive behaviors.

More and more, I am seeing people in my clinical hypnosis practice who are suffering from debilitating anxiety and fears, problems with relationships, and stress based pain.  My clients are thankful to have the chance to experience the “mind vacation” that hypnosis brings.  They often report a sense of calm and serenity never-before experienced.  The ability to help clients achieve that level of calm and relaxation is incredibly rewarding.  It is this powerful feeling that helps their powerful subconscious minds make the changes necessary to improve their lives.  Each client that I work with is taught mindfulness mediation as part of the session.  I help them to incorporate the practice as part of their daily routine.  It is as important to their health and well-being as brushing their teeth, sleeping, and physical exercise.   Those that commit to adopting the practice report less stress, greater focus and concentration, and an improvement in their work and personal relationships.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool in other ways, as well.  When I tell people that I am hypnotist, their first response is to ask if I’m going to make them bark like a dog?  For most people, their knowledge of hypnosis is from the comedy stage hypnosis shows they have attended at a fair, or Project Graduation, or party.  They associate that experience with a fun time, filled with laughter and great memories.  What they don’t realize is the enormous health benefit they received at that show.  There is more than wisdom behind the saving that “Laughter is the Best Medicine!” 

sexcess1I have found that one of the best ways to relieve the pressure is through laughter. In fact, the Mayo Clinic agrees with me.  Their studies have shown that “A good laugh has great short-term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. Laughter can:

  • Stimulate many organs.Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.
  • Activate and relieve your stress response.A rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response, and it can increase your heart rate and blood pressure. The result? A good, relaxed feeling.
  • Soothe tension.Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.”osceolafunnyface2

Isn’t it time for all of us to shed the shackles of the insanity that has gripped us for far too long?  Isn’t time that we committed to focusing on positive outcomes and doing good things for ourselves, families, friends and associates?   Now is the time to laugh until you feel great again.  Now is the time to come together.  See how the Hypnotic Hijinks of Hypnomarc can make that a reality this holiday season.

Hypnomarc is a comedy stage and clinical hypnotist, author and motivational speaker based out of Summit, NJ.  He performs at fairs, festivals, corporate events, post proms and graduations, private events and comedy clubs.  For more information about his services visit his website;

Elite Daily Show Hosts TrashED by NJ’s Comedy Hypnotist

What’s it like to be hypnotized on your own show? That is exactly the question the Elite Daily’s star hosts – Kelli Boyle ( #kelliboyle ) and Katie Corvino ( #katiecorvino )can now answer. Corvino and Boyle who host the extremely popular show on Elite Daily’s Facebook Live Channel – TrashED, contacted me because they had never experienced hypnosis and really wanted to. I could tell you all about it…but here’s a link to the press release from Trust Media Bureau and a link to the video. Enjoy it, Share it, Tell your Friends, BOOK the Hypnotic Hijinks of Hypnomarc for your event, TODAY!

REFINERY29 Staffers Knocked Out

REFINERY29 Staffers Knocked Out by The Hypnotic Hijinks of HypnoMarc


What do you do when you are the modern woman’s destination for how to live a stylish, well-rounded life and you want to break new ground?  The answer for Refinery29 was to engage the Hypnotic Hijinks of New Jersey’s Comedy Hypnotist, HypnoMarc Marshall.

Show producer, Nell Riley, was looking for exciting programming that would engage the imagination of the Refinery29 (R29) audience and could energize and engage the staff.  She developed the concept of demonstrating the power of the mind through comedy hypnosis and contacted HypnoMarc to hypnotize volunteers from among the Refinery29 staff members for the show. The event, which marked the first time Refinery29 has had a hypnotist perform for them, was broadcast live on the Refinery29’s Facebook Live Channel.

For Marc (HypnoMarc Marshall) it was a great time working with the amazing volunteers.   The volunteers, all members of the staff, were picked by lottery and shared their real personalities with the Facebook Live audience.  All but one of the women were first timers to being hypnotized.    Among the various routines they performed, was a new skit that Marshall had just rolled out for this event – Joke HeManGo!, an original skit based on the hot new phone app, PokeMon Go! , that is sweeping the world.  In the skit, the volunteers used their I-Shoes (shoe phones) to capture various Joke HeManGo! characters that suddenly appeared in the studio.  The volunteers also demonstrated their talents by trying out for the U.S. Olympic Funny Face team.

Unlike most broadcast shows, this live event featured a Q&A session with the R29 followers.  It gave Marshall the opportunity to educate the volunteers and viewers about the power of hypnosis and the human mind.  The response from the viewers and staff was extremely positive and is likely to result in future collaborations with Refinery29 and HypnoMarc.  STAY TUNED!

Marc Marshall, known professionally as HypnoMarc has been hypnotizing and amazing people since he was 16.  He is a professional stage and consulting hypnotist and author. He is a frequent presenter to companies and organizations in the areas of motivation and team building, with his comedy hypnosis show – HypnoMarc’s Hypnotic Hijinks.

Would you like his help learning how to manage pain, stop smoking, lose weight, deal with stress and anxiety, or remove fears and phobias?  Learn how he can help you from his conveniently located office in Summit, NJ. For more information or to Book your appointment now! –

What Goes Into Pricing A Comedy Hypnosis Show?

The first question that I usually get from clients is about the cost of having me perform for their event. This is fully expected since each of us is cost conscious, especially when planning a major celebration. In my opinion, the question should be – “Where am I getting the most ‘BANG’ for my entertainment buck?” So, let me help you understand some of that equation first.

WHY A HYPNOSIS SHOW? Many times, hypnotist entertainers are measured against other entertainers such as caricature artists, fortune tellers and tarot card readers. Perhaps you are comparing me to magicians or similar acts. These are all common considerations. However, when you consider the following you can easily see how a HypnoMarc comedy hypnosis show is really cost effective. If, you have a face painter or caricature artist for your event it takes that artist about 10 minutes per guest to complete their work. That means they are only able to entertain about 6 guests per hour. On a per hour basis of entertainment, it would cost you far more than my show. The same equation goes for fortune tellers and tarot card readers.

When comparing my show to that of mentalists and magicians, once again, the comedy hypnosis show comes out on top as the entertainment winner. My comedy hypnosis show uses your guests as the STARS of the show. People in the audience have an instant connection to those on the stage and become deeply enthralled by the mystery of the mind and the comic responses of those experiencing the wonders of hypnosis. It is a show that your guests will remember, laugh and talk about for years because hypnosis is REAL and their experience is unique!
The question that you asked is what goes into the pricing? As a professional hypnotist, I am trained and certified as both a clinical and stage hypnotist. I continually keep up my training and take additional courses (CEUs) to maintain my professional liability insurances and skills. Of course, these courses have a cost. I participate in professional development programs at hypnosis conferences throughout the year. HypnoMarc, LLC. is a regular business that has expenses for phone, travel, advertising, agency fees, professional sound equipment, travel, and show costumes and props. As a business, I need to turn a profit in order to pay my personal bills. And, unlike many other performers who you may consider, you don’t have to ask about insurance. I provide each client with a $2 million liability policy that protects you and your property in the unlikely event there is a problem.

BEWARE OF BOOKING THE CHEAPEST! Most entertainment buyers are savvy enough to question why one performer is priced so much less than their competition. Usually it is an indication of a beginning entertainer who lacks the experience and the ability to develop and bring current or new routines. It doesn’t mean they are bad, just their shows are not as polished. Frequently they are using inferior sound equipment or don’t have those touches that make the show special for you!

For me, your event is much more than the typical 60 minutes of performing before your guests. Before I come to your event I am customizing skits and routines that are for YOU. I work to make each show special for your guests and that requires time. The setup and breakdown of each show requires about an hour on each side. This means that I am really present for more than 3 hours. It is the attention to detail that ensures your satisfaction with the performance. The reality is that when you consider the cost per guest and the engagement in the event, you will find that I am far less expensive than a movie, ball game, or casino night.

Let’s talk! Let’s see how together we can make your special event – REALLY SPECIAL.


  • What Training Do You Have?
    • Unlike other entertainers, I continually train for the benefit of my Stage and Clinical clients.
  • Have you had any insurance claims?
    • My typical hypnosis comedy show is a very active show.  At all times, I am hyper-focused on maintaining safety of my volunteers and audience. While accidents can happen, planning and proper instructions go a long way to preventing them.  I am a retired EMT and Emergency Management Instructor who has planned and executed events for more than 25,000 people, where safety was our first concern.
  • Are you safe around my students and family?
    • As someone who spends a great deal of time interacting with students for events such as, Post Prom parties,  Project Graduations and Sober Nights, I understand your need to have a performer that has been checked.  I provide a copy of my NJ State background check certificate to those schools and youth organizations that request one.  Can the other performer do the same?
  • Is your show appropriate for my group?
    • Each of my shows is prepared with the venue and the audience in mind.   I won’t be performing a late night show for your daughter’s Sweet 16 Party.  My shows are about having fun and making sure you are happy.
  • I am with a not-for-profit group with a limited budget, Can you donate a show?
    • Ask me about how you can put the FUN back into FUNdraising.  I have a special package that gives you an opportunity to maximize your returns without risk.  In fact, I am happy to share my FREE report – The Top 5 Tips to Maximize Your Fund Raising Efforts – Just text FUNDRAISING to 44222 enter your email and you will instantly receive my FREE no Obligation report that can show you how to boost your efforts $2000, $3000 or more.